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  • N.V. Vitanov, „High-fidelity multistate stimulated Raman adiabatic passage assisted by shortcut fields“, Phys.Rev. A 102, 023515 (2020); DOI:10.1103/PhysRevA.102.023515

  • M.Vieille-Grosjean, E. Dimova, Z. Mazzotta, D. Comparat, T. Wolz and C. Malbrunot,
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  • М. Al-Mahmoud, А.А. Rangelov, V. Coda, G. Montemezzani, „Segmented Composite
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  • М. Al-Mahmoud, V. Coda, А.А. Rangelov, G. Montemezzani, „Broadband Polarization
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Project DN 18/14

„Composite and adiabatic methods for control in quantum and optical technologies“

supported by National Science Fund, Bulgaria

27 February 2018

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